Garden-inspired cocktails are the perfect way to celebrate summer. By creating flower blossom ice cubes, your drinks will be the delight of the gathering.
With a little planning, these pretty blossoms will create the most festive cocktails. Whether your pouring sparkling water, clear liquor or white wine spritzers, any clear beverage will look extra special with these pretty blossoms shining though.
Helpful tips for making your Flower Blossom Ice Cubes:
Silicone ice cube trays are best. I prefer to use the larger cube trays as the ice melts more slowly, and the larger blossoms will fit better. By using silicone trays, the cubes will pop out with ease and they won’t get cracked, cut or slivered.
Regular tap water can create cloudy ice cubes. To showcase the pretty blossoms, you’ll want to use distilled or purified water. We have a reverse osmosis unit so I used the water from this. If you don’t have one, simply boil the water first, let cool and then pour.
Select edible flowers for your ice cubes. Edible flowers are grown specifically for human consumption. You may find them in the herb section at the grocery store. I ordered mine online. The most common edible flowers you’ll find are violets, marigolds, nasturtiums, pansies and impatiens. The vivid colors of pink, yellow, purple, orange and green are glorious in a drink.
To make flower blossom cubes, fill the tray half way full with the purified water. Place one large edible flower blossom, or two smaller ones, inside each cube of the tray. IF you’re using a smaller cube tray, place only one flower per cube. Drizzle a few drops of water over the flower once it’s set in the water. Place in freezer until the top of the ice cube is frozen solid. The cubes don’t have to be completely frozen at this point. Then fill the rest of the way to the brim of the tray and place in the freezer. The larger cubes take longer to freeze, so best to freeze them the night before your soiree. Plan for 12 - 24 hours for freezing time.
Next time try adding fresh herbs, like rosemary and mint, citrus slices, like lemon or tangerine, or fresh fruit, like cherries or grapes, to your ice cubes for added flavor when the ice melts.
Let me know what you add to your ice cubes below. I love hearing your ideas.
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Jun 15, 2017
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